"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution." – Albert Einstein (via
) https://twitter.com/AlbertEinstein/status/1519091708876705792?s=20&t=NEjacZygKGV-qvXW5VUhVwTrue, but the more knowledge the more you can fantasize (theorize about), but even in the small knowledge there are great discoveries to make.
Knowledge can be a detour sometimes where you learn "it is not possible" and stop thinking (me and magnets which is a hobby thought :))
Så sant, men ju mera kunskap desto mer kan man fantisera ( teoretisera om), men även i de små kunskaperna så finns stora upptäckter att göra.
Kunskap kan ju bli en omväg i bland där man lärt "det går inte" och slutar fundera (jag och magneter som är en hobby tanke

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